Why I’m Still Single

Don’t you hate it when guys say, “You’re amazing, BUT…” Oh that dreaded word “but” you always know he’s going to tack on at the end of that sentence. It’s so frustrating, right? Because if I’m so amazing then why the heck am I still single?

Do you ever catch yourself thinking, “If only I were ____fill-in-the-blank___, then I wouldn’t be single?”


There isn’t anything wrong with you.

The truth is, you could probably easily find someone right now to date… but you have high standards. You know the kind of person you’re looking for and you’re not going to settle. Don’t let the devil eat away at your self-esteem by making you believe you’re somehow “less than.” You know God desires someone for you who is your equal counterpart. Anyone who isn’t complementary is not appriopriate and is outside of His Divine will. (Genesis 2:18)

Relationships require a little bit of sacrifice and compromise but not so much that you no longer feel like the person God made you to be and certainly not any compromise that would build a wall between you and God.

If ever you start feeling discouraged about who, how, where, but mostly WHEN you’ll meet your future hubby or wifey, just remind yourself of these three things:


God is faithful. 

He has always been faithful in the past and He will be faithful to answer your prayers concerning a spouse.

For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. –Psalm 100:5

God is not finished with you.

God will never leave you for long without direction. He will comfort and renew you and guide you where He wants you to go. Stay faithful to the Lord even when you feel like settling. Trust that He’s working all things together for good. When you are running low on strength and it’s newborn baby season on your Facebook feed and you feel tempted to give up waiting, ask God for extra perseverance and for peace. I can’t promise that there is someone right around the corner for you but I can promise you that waiting for the right one is worth the wait and settling will only lead to heartache and regret. Keep obeying God for obedience’s sake out of love for God, not because obeying Him will result in blessings.

Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. –Hebrews 10:35-36

You’re a freaking unicorn.

That’s right, you heard me!

Because you’re made in the image of God, you have a beautiful purpose for your life, and you are dearly loved by the Creator of the Universe who sent His son to wash your sins clean and made you pure white as snow.



One thought on “Why I’m Still Single

  1. Jamie Carter says:

    I’d rather a supplement than a complement; a complement has what you lack and what you have it lacks; a supplement enhances what is already there and brings it to completion.

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